Review: Stellar Master Elite – III: Eternalism – The Psychospherical Chapter

Rarely can you be amazed with a album of a band you never heard, and this album was that exception for me. I have never heard of this band even with my immersion in metal for years, and this made me think about how else can you experiment in the fashion of this album.

This album has a very obvious black metal vibe to it, but only the black metal of the early stage. Not only the low production quality black metal, but also more of the later stages of black metal, the Immortal black metal.

Dissonance is obvious through the album, with some atmospheric elements also scattered here and there. One of the more surprising things about this album is the doom metal elements. It is strange to hear the mix of black metal and doom metal, but here it actually works pretty well, the doom-ish elements are placed at all the right spots for it to make a good album. Something also weird to hear is the electronic moments of the songs, pretty Rammstein sounding parts, but still it was done masterfully, as you don’t get the “this doesn’t sound right” or “this isn’t supposed to be here” moments anywhere in the whole album.

The overall quality is not one you would expect from a black metal band, as it is much better that what you normally expect. Everything is audible, and the bass is no exception like on most black metal records.

All in all for me this albums is a 10/10 in all aspects of it.

Stellar Master Elite Official Website
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Stellar Master Elite Bandcamp

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